Need To Repair Your 1-Speed Beach Bike Cruiser?

August 23, 2017
Need To Repair Your 1-Speed Beach Bike Cruiser?
Need To Repair Your 1-Speed Beach Bike Cruiser?

Despite the fact that our bikes are made to last longer, there may come a time when you need to repair a faulty chain or flat tire. Never fear! Our team is here to help and offers tips on how to repair a 1-speed beach cruiser.

Chain Removal

First, you will have to loosen the axle-nuts to relieve tension on your chain. Utilize a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove the master link and C-clip before removing the chain from the bike.


To find the size of the chain you need, simply place it next to the old chain and match the rivets side by side to find the correct length. If you are starting from scratch, move the wheel forward in the dropouts. Wrap the new chain around the front and rear sprockets and place the end on the front chainring. Pull the chain’s lower rung as tight as possible. Ideally the end of the chain will meet at an inner and out plate.


With the chain in the proper placement through the frame, join its ends using a master link. Pull the wheel back into the dropouts and realign it in the center of the frame. Use a drop of chain lube to lubricate the rivets before installing them into the chain from the inside of the bike, facing the mechanic.

We Can Help!

Do you need further help with a repair or assembly? Simply contact us for additional help!

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Need To Repair Your 1-Speed Beach Bike Cruiser?