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Fat Tire
Learn More About Fat Tire

Fat Tire

The fat tire trend may have begun as a creative means to combat icy streets, but it’s exploded into something that extends beyond winter roads. In fact, fat tire bikes are tough enough to handle all sorts of terrain. 

If you’re in the market for a bike that can take whatever you throw at it – you’ve come to the right place. Sixthreezero has a fat tire bike collection for cyclists who are serious about seeing the world one bumpy, icy, or off-road trail at a time. 

Do You Need a Fat Tire Bike?

You already have a cruiser. Do you need a fat tire beach cruiser? Here are some reasons to make the switch:

  • You want to bike in the winter. Their original purpose is still a good one. If you’re up for riding Minneapolis, Boston, or other cold-weather cities during the winter – you’ll want a fat tire bike. Fat tires offer more contact with the surface of the road and enough traction to make it easier to navigate ice and snow-covered streets. 
  • You like to cycle in national parks. Some paths in major parks are paved, but some of the best trails are bumpier. If you want to explore the bumpier trails – the ones covered in rocks and potholes and unexpected branches – you’ll want fat tires.  
  • You want to ride on the beach. If you’re tired of the boardwalk and find yourself on a deserted beach, riding near the tide can be an exciting turn of events. However, regular cruiser tires don’t fare well on the sand. Fat tires are up for the job. 
  • You don’t like limitations. Even if you don’t have specific plans for how to use a fat tire bike, you might just like knowing it opens new doors. You won’t be stuck on the same roads you’re used to which ensures adventures with unlimited potential. 

Fat Tire Bike Features

Fat tires for bikes are chock-full of the stuff that makes adventuring so much more rewarding. 

  • They can handle beach, city, trail, or path terrain. 
  • You can travel up to 15 miles per hour, so sailing downhill is no problem. 
  • They measure at 4-inches wide, giving you plenty of contact with the road. 
  • Their semi-slick surface smoothes out rough road surfaces. 
  • You enjoy more control over your ride thanks to their size. 

If you’re on the hunt for the best fat tires and a bike to match, welcome to sixthreezero. Our fat tire bikes have an ergonomic design, so your riding position doesn’t hurt your back. The synthetic leather grips are slip-resistant and durable. The walk-through frame makes it easy to get on and off at pit stops. Our fat tire bikes are recommended for journeys up to 20 miles at a time, so you can ride all day. 

Customize Your Fat Tire Bike

Just like a bike with standard tires can be customized to meet your specific needs, a fat tire bike can be altered to your specifications. Upgrade the seat, add a headlight, add a basket/box attachment to store supplies while you ride. Since your fat tires will be taking you across new terrain, you should also travel with food and cleaning tools in case you go farther off the beaten path than you’d expected.

Tired of dealing with a flat tire? Fat tire bikes with more traction will keep you safer on any type of terrain. Winter and rainy weather biking just got a lot more fun. Shop men’s bikes or shop women’s bikes and add fat tires to get started.

Do you want to take your fat tire bike to unexplored territory? We bet there are a few places even the most experienced cyclists haven’t heard of yet. Join our Journey Club to uncover biking locations around the world and connect with other cyclists.

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Fat Tire Beach Cruiser Bikes - Big Tire Bicycles For Sale (Ride On Sand & Cheap Prices) Sixthreezero Bike Co.